Monday, January 23, 2012

January 22, 2012

Go Giants!!! The reason I'm posting this today instead of on January 22nd is because I was up late watching the Giants beat the crap out of the 49ers!!! Woohoo!!!!! I promise all pictures were taken on January 22 :)

Today I started Weight Watchers again. I am actually a lifetime member because I lost 35 lbs. right after college. I am not back to my starting weight because I'm having trouble losing my baby weight, so I decided to start back up again. So far it hasn't been too bad - I really like the fact that there is an iPhone app and e-tools that I can use. I'm not in love with their new plan, but I'm sure I just have to get used to it. I'm sad my beer is now 5 points instead of 2!!! Kelly said he was going to do it with me, but he sucks at it. He already used up 20 of the 49 reserve points that you get a week! Tomorrow is a new day so I hope that he will start paying a little more attention to what he eats.

Go Giants!!!

Bath time for Jackson:

Sitting pretty:

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